KVS, NVS, DSSSB, RSMSSB & Other Competitive Exams Practice Set-2
1.Resource Description and Access (RDA) is jointly published by __?
Answer: (D)
2. In the 7th ed. of Colon Classification, Which symbol is used to indicate Phase Relation?
Answer: (A)
3. In Colon Classification, which fundamental category does not occur in Level?
Answer: (C)
4. In Colon Classification, which fundamental category does not occur in Rounds?
Answer: (D)
5. IASLIC headquarter is located in __.
Answer: (A)
6. Encyclopedia Britannica was first published between __
Answer: (B)
7. Research periodicals comes under which category of sources __
Answer: (A)
8. Cataloguing in Publication (CIP) program by Library of Congress started in the year __.
Answer: (B)
9. International Conference on Cataloguing Principle was held in 1961 at __.
Answer: (A)
10. Marathi version of Colon Classification is brought by __.
Answer: (C)