Navodaya Vidyalaya Samiti (NVS) Librarian Exam 2019 Solved Questions with Explanations (51-75)

Navodaya Vidyalaya Samiti (NVS) Librarian Exam 2019 Solved Questions with Explanations (51-75)

51.  Identify the correct sequence of user tasks that are supported by the structure of FRBR.
A.    Find, identify, select, obtain
B.     Select, identify, find, obtain
C.     Find, select, identify, obtain
D.    Identify, select, obtain, find

Answer: A (Find, identify, select, obtain)

Notes: Functional Requirements for Bibliographic Records (FRBR) is a conceptual entity-relationship model developed by IFLA which was first published in print in 1998 by K.G. SaurFRBR four user tasks are: Find, Identify, Select and Obtain.

52.  Which of the following is NOT a section of MARC records?
A.    Area
B.     Variable
C.     Leader
D.    Directory

Answer: A (Area)

Notes: MARC bibliographic record structure consists of three main components: the Leader, the Directory, and the variable fields.

53.  The process of surrogation, repackaging and compaction of the primary literature that results in the creation of secondary journals is:
A.    Abstracting and Indexing Periodical
B.     Electronic Journals
C.     House Journals
D.    Newsletter

Answer: A (Abstracting and Indexing Periodical)

54.  Information about scale and projection can be found in __.
A.    Directories
B.     Encyclopedia
C.     Handbooks of manuals
D.    Geographical sources

Answer: D (Geographical sources)

55.  D. B. Krishan Rao got the first doctoral degree in library science under the title of __.
A.    Libraries and Librarianship in ancient and medieval
B.     Mahatma Gandhi: A descriptive bibliography
C.     India from earlier times to 1850 AD
D.    Facet Analysis and Depth Classification of Agriculture

Answer: D (Facet Analysis and Depth Classification Agriculture)

Notes: The first PhD in Library Science was awarded to D. B. Krishna Rao from Delhi University in 1957 for his study on “Facet Analysis and Depth of Agriculture Classification” under the guidance of Dr. S. R. Ranganathan.

56.  The National Informatics Centre (NIC) has its headquarters in __.
A.    Chennai
B.     New Delhi
C.     Bengaluru
D.    Telangana

Answer: B (New Delhi)

57.  Which of the following is anti-virus software?
A.    Firefox
B.     McAfee
C.     Internet Explorer
D.    Google

Answer: B (McAfee)

Notes: McAfee, LLC is an American computer security software company established in 1987 by John McAfee and headquartered in California. It is now owned by Intel since February 2011.

58.  The term ‘Scalar Chain’ is associated with:
A.    Recruitment and training
B.     Gang Plank
C.     Specialization of Labour
D.    Employee work flow

Answer: B (Gang Plank)

Notes: For overcoming the limitation of Scalar Chain, Henry Fayol introduced the concept of ‘Gang Plank. According to this concept, two executives of the organization of different department at the same level can communicate directly in case of emergency, so that speedy decisions and actions could be taken.

59.  Which of the following is NOT part of word treatment in language dictionaries?
A.    Grammatical Information
B.     Etymology
C.     Gloss
D.    Vernacular

Answer: C (Gloss)

Notes: Gloss is derived from Latin term ‘Glossa’ meaning ‘language’. It is a brief notation of the meaning of a word or wording in a text. It is generally an interlinear and presented in the language of the text, or in the reader's language if that is different.

60.  Which of the following is NOT the purpose of user studies?
A.    To frame the collection development policy based on facts
B.     To detect the strengths and weaknesses of various collections
C.     To know the user status
D.    To develop the collection in a scientific way

Answer: C (To know the user status)

Notes: User studies play an important role in refreshing and improving library system and services. The objectives of user studies are usually: (i) Collection Development (ii) Weeding out documents (iii) Allocation of resources (iv) User-based information services, and (v) Improvement of library techniques.

61.  The tag 250 in MARC 21 indicates __.
A.    General note
B.     Series statement
C.     Edition statement
D.    Publication statement

Answer: C (Edition statement)

62.  Citation indexing is the contribution of __.
A.    Eugene Garfield
B.     S. R. Ranganathan
C.     H. P. Luhn
D.    Alan Pritchard

Answer: A (Eugene Garfield)

Notes: Eugene Garfield is called as ‘the father of citation indexing’. He brought out ‘Science Citation Index’ (1964) and ‘Social Science Citation Index’ in 1973.

63.  The sixth edition of colon classification was published in the year __.
A.    1923
B.     1953
C.     1953
D.    1960

Answer: D (1960)

Notes: Colon Classification was first published in 1933 and the sixth edition came out in 1960.

64.  Which of the following is NOT a function of the national library?
A.    To provide bibliographical services
B.     To serve as a coordinating centre for cooperative activities
C.     To serve as a permanent depository for all publications issued in the country
D.    Giving young men and women a wider and deeper understanding of the various disciplines

Answer: D

65.  Which of the following protocols is used for sending electronic mail?
A.    Post Office Protocol
B.     Message Access Control
C.     Simple Mail Transfer Protocol
D.    Basic Mail Transfer Protocol

Answer: C (Simple Mail Transfer Protocol)

Notes: Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP) is a communication protocol for electronic mail (e-mail) transmission. Mail servers and other message transfer agents use SMTP to send and receive mail messages. As an Internet standard, SMTP was first defined in 1982 and updated in 2008.

66.  Which of the following is a technique used within the library to train professional staff?
A.    Performance appraisal
B.     Sending the staff of conferences
C.     Job rotation
D.    To prescribe job standards

Answer: C (Job rotation)

67.  Saraswati Mahal library is located at:
A.    Vijayawada
B.     Thiruvananthapuram
C.     Thanjavur
D.    Hyderabad

Answer: C (Thanjavur)

68.  A programme written in high level language can be converted to machine level instruction by:
A.    Assembler
B.     Linker
C.     Compiler
D.    Editor

Answer: C (Compiler)

69.  A reference service only which is answered by the subject expert of a library is called:
A.    Referral service
B.     Current Awareness Service
C.     Translation Service
D.    Technical Enquiry Service

Answer: D (Technical Enquiry Service)

70.  Encyclopedia Americana consists of __.
A.    20 volumes
B.     28 volumes
C.     30 volumes
D.    25 volumes

Answer: C (30 volumes)

Notes: The most recent print edition of the Encyclopedia Americana was published in 2006 in 30 volumes by Scholastic Corporation.

71.  Hypertext pages that are mixed with other media like graphics, audio, video, etc are called:
A.    Multimedia
B.     Hyperlinker
C.     Hypermedia
D.    Hyperlinks

Answer: C (Hypermedia)

Notes: Hypermedia is an extension to hypertext providing non-linear multimedia facilities, such as those handling sound and video. The term was first coined by Ted Nelson in 1963 and first published in 1965.

72.  The acronym PODSCORB was coined by:
A.    Peter Drucker
B.     Luther Gullick
C.     F. W. Taylor
D.    Jo Bryson

Answer: B (Luther Gullick)

Notes: The term, POSDCORB is an acronym of Planning, Organizing, Staffing, Directing, Coordinating, Reporting and Budgeting which was first appeared in a paper ‘Notes on the Theory of Organization’ written by Luther Gulick and Lyndall Urwick in 1937. However, the concept was first presented by Luther Gullick in 1935.

73.  Which state has the library cess?
A.    Mizoram
B.     Haryana
C.     Goa
D.    Manipur

Answer: [Options are wrong]

Notes: Both Haryana and Goa Public Library Acts have made provision for library cess. However, the following states have no provision for library cess. Maharashtra (1967); West Bengal (1979); Manipur (1988), Mizoram (1993); Orissa (2001) and Uttaranchal (2005).

74.  The ‘Million Book Project’ was initiated by:
A.    Harvard University
B.     Michigan University
C.     Carnegie Mellon University
D.    Pittsburgh University

Answer: C (Carnegie Mellon University)

Notes: The Million Book Project was a book digitization project led by Carnegie Mellon University from 2007–2008.

75.  The user community of a public library is comprised of __.
A.    Twin group of users
B.     Homogeneous group of users
C.     Single group of users
D.    Heterogeneous group of users

Answer: D (Heterogeneous group of users)

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