UGC-NET LIS MCQs Practice Set:National Eligibility Test (NET) of UGC or State Eligibility Test (SET) has become compulsory to get employment in Universities and Colleges in India. In order to help aspiring professionals to appear for UGC-NET exam, I have started uploading a series of PRACTICE SET of Library and Information ScienceMultiple Choice Questions (MCQs)based on the new UGC /NTA–NET Syllabus from June 2019 onward.
UGC-NET exams are getting tougher with the time and require to study thoroughly and practice new and tough set of objective questions. It is hoped that the PRACTICE SET will serve a useful purpose and help a large number of LIS professionals to qualify NET/SLET and other competitive examinations in order to get better job opportunities and become a qualified library professionals.
Computer & Library Digitization (UNIT-VII & VIII) Practice Set-7