KVS, NVS, DSSSB, RSMSSB & Other Competitive Exams Practice Set-22

KVS, NVS, DSSSB, RSMSSB & Other Competitive Exams Practice Set: These multiple choice practice sets intend to help aspiring Library Professionals to prepare for various job-oriented competitive exams conducted by several agencies time to time. It is hoped that these objective questions sets will serve a useful purpose and help a large number of LIS professionals to qualify and get better job opportunities.

KVS, NVS, DSSSB, RSMSSB & Other Competitive Exams Practice Set-22

1.'Indian Science Abstracts' is an example of __.

Answer: (B) Secondary sources

2. List of research in progress is grouped under __.

Answer: (C) Tertiary sources

3. According to S. R. Ranganathan, 'Photographs' comes under __.

Answer: (D) Meta-Documents

4. The process by which library can identify 'active' collection for reprocessing is __.

Answer: (B) Law of Osmosis

5. 'India who's who' is published by __.

Answer: (C) INFA Publication, New Delhi

6. According to AACR-2, when title page gives the name of only editor, the main entry will be made _.

Answer: (B) Under the title of the book

7. National Information Centre for Food Science and Technology (NICFST) is located at __.

Answer: (C) Mysore

8. In Colon Classificaiton (6th rev.ed), under main class O Literature [P3] represents:

Answer: (A) Author Facet

9. Who used the term 'Canon' to describe the 'principle' of classification for the first time in the theory of classification?

Answer: (D) W. C. B. Sayers

10. What kind of subjects are formed by the 'Lamination' mode of formation of subjects:

Answer: (B) Compound subject

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