KVS, NVS, DSSSB, RSMSSB & Other Competitive Exams Practice Set: These multiple choice practice sets intend to help aspiring Library Professionals to prepare for various job-oriented competitive exams conducted by several agencies time to time. It is hoped that these objective questions sets will serve a useful purpose and help a large number of LIS professionals to qualify and get better job opportunities.
KVS, NVS, DSSSB, RSMSSB & Other Competitive Exams Practice Set-11
1. Who is the publisher of Books in Print?
Answer: (D) Bowker Company
Notes: R.R. Bowker LLC, is now an affiliate of ProQuest LLC.
2. Who wrote ‘Rules for a Dictionary Catalog’?
Answer: (C) C. A. Cutter
3. Bibliographic Classification (BC) was developed by __.
Answer: (A) H. E. Bliss
Notes: H. E. Bliss devised Bibliographic Classification (BC) first published in 1935.
4. In which topology, each computer is connected to every other computer?
Answer: (D) Mesh
Notes: In the mesh topology each computer is connected to each of the other computers in the network. This topology is the most robust and reliable. It ensures the data privacy and security, because every message travels along a dedicated link.
5. A pamphlet brought out by a library with instructions to the library users is called a __.
Answer: (D) Library Guide
6. The cryptographic technique that uses different encryption and decryption keys is called:
Answer: (D) Public Key Cryptography
7. The 3 Cards system is mainly used in libraries for which of the following?
Answer: (B) Acquisition and Control of Serials
8. The concept of ‘Librametry’ was first developed by__.
Answer: (D) S. R. Ranganathan
9. According to AACR-II, the statement of responsibility should be preceded by a __.
Answer: (B) Diagonal slash
10. Which of the following fields in MARC-21 contains the DDC number?
Answer: (A) 082