RSMSSB Librarian Grade - III 19 September 2020 Exam Solved Questions with Explanations (11-20)
11. UNISIST programme was launched by:
Answer: (B) UNESCO
Notes: UNISIST programme formed jointly by UNESCO and ICSU (International Council of Scientific Union) in 1970.
12. The students, teachers and research scholars are the users of __.
Answer: (A) Academic Library
13. The system in which the main entry and added entries carry the same information about the document is known as __ system.
Answer: (C) Unit card
14. A phase relation is the assembling together of two or more of subject and __.
Answer: (D) Isolate ideas
15. What are the three planes of work which are recognized by Ranganathan for dynamic theory of classification?
Answer: (C) Idea, Verbal and Notational Planes
16. According to which code, date of birth of an author is enclosed by circular brackets?
Answer: (C) CCC
Notes: The heading section in CCC contains information as: SURNAME (Forename) (Date of the birth-Date of the Death).
17. Who published the 7th edition of CC?
Answer: (A) Sharda Ranganathan Endowment
Notes: Sarada Ranganathan Endowment for Library Science (SRELS) published the 7th edition in 1987.
18. INFLIBNET is a __.
Answer: (B) Network of the Libraries and Information
19. Which of the following is correct order of the work flow:
Answer: (D) Selection, Acquisition, Processing, Dissemination
Notes: Collection Development workflow of a library is: Selection, Acquisition, Processing, Dissemination
20. What is the catalogue called in which entries relating to the authors, titles, subjects etc of the book are arranged alphabetically?
Answer: (C) Dictionary Catalogue
Notes: In a Dictionary Catalogue, all the entries (author, title, subject, series, etc.) are arranged alphabetically – like a dictionary.
Great work sir
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