DHSGUS Master in Library Science Entrance Test 2020 Solved Questions with Explanations (1-10)
1. Who coined the term 'Information Retrieval'?
Answer: (C) Calvin Mooers
2. In Modern society, all activities are centered on __.
Answer: (B) Information
3. Primary data is obtained by __.
Answer: (A) Experiment or observation
4. Special libraries concentrate on __.
Answe: (D) Single discipline/field of knowledge
5. "Spiral of Scientific method' was propounded by __.
Answe: (A) Ranganathan
6. Which of the following implies weeding of books by libraries?
Answe: (D) Fifth law
7. Extension service is a special feature of __.
Answe: (C) Public library
8. The headquarter of IFLA is located at __.
Answe: (D) Hague
9. "Library is the heart of the University" was stated by __.
Answe: (B) Radhakrishnan Commission
10. New Encyclopedia Britannica consists of __.
Answe: (B) Four parts
Notes: Last print edition of Encyclopedia Britannica (15th edition reprint) is published in 2010 in 32 volumes. The 32 volume set is divided into 4 parts – Micropedia (12 volumes); Macropedia (17 volumes), Propedia (1 volume) and Index (2 volumes).