DHSGUS Master in Library Science Entrance Test 2020 Solved Questions with Explanations (31-40)

DHSGUS Master in Library Science Entrance Test 2020 Solved Questions with Explanations (31-40)

31. The idea of free library service is advocated by:

Answer: (A) S. R. Ranganathan

32. Call Number of a book means __.

Answer: (C) Both Book and Class number

33.How many digits are there in ISSN?

Answer: (B) 08
Notes: ISSN is a 8 character code,first published in 1975 as ISO-3297 Standard.

34. Books misplaced on the shelves by readers are restored. This work is referred as:

Answer: (C) Shelf rectification

35. All part and pages of a volume are correctly sequenced in the first stage of binding process is known as:

Answer: (D) Collation

36. A statement that is to be tested in research is called:

Answer: (A) Hypothesis
Notes: Hypothesis is a prediction through which a researcher predicts a relation between two variables and statistically tested to conclude the study.

37. VuFind is the tool used for __.

Answer: (C) Library Resource Discovery System
Notes: VuFind is an open-source library search engine that allows users to search and browse beyond the resources of a traditional Online public access catalog (OPAC).

38. RDA is divided into how many sections?

Answer: (B) 10
Notes: RDA (Resource Description and Accesss)– a successor to AACR-2 is a new and unified standard for descriptive cataloguing that provides a set of instructions and guidelines on formulating bibliographic data representing a resource.RDA consists of an introduction and 10 sections which are further divided into 37 chapters with 13 appendices, a glossary and an index.

39. How many entity groups does FRBR describe?

Answer: (B) 3
Notes: FRBR comprises 3 groups of entities: Group 1 entities are work, expression, manifestation, and item (WEMI). They represent the products of intellectual or artistic endeavor. Group 2 entities are person, family and corporate body, responsible for the custodianship of Group 1’s intellectual or artistic endeavor. Group 3 entities are subjects of Group 1 or Group 2’s intellectual endeavor, and include concepts, objects, events, places.

40. Identify the odd one out:

Answer: (B) Centered entry

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