West Bengal SET 2020 (Library & Information Science) Solved Questions with Explanations (51-60)

West Bengal SET 2020 (Library & Information Science) Solved Questions with Explanations (51-60)

51. Which one of the following does not belong to the group?

Answer: (C) International Patent Classification

52. The index of the AACR2R (1988) was complied by ___.

Answer: (B) K. G. B. Bakewell

53. Identify the person based on the features given below:
(a) A leading computer scientist working in the field of information retrieval during his time.
(b) He was associated with the SMART (System for the Mechanical Analysis and Retrieval of Text) Information Retrieval System.
(c) He is well known for developing the now widely used vector space model for Information Retrieval.

Answer: (D) Gerard Salton

54. Who identified the six functions of bibliographic control?

Answer: (D) Ronald Hagler

55. The Classic ‘Probabilistic Model’ of IR was introduced by Robertson and Spärck Jones in the year __.

Answer: (B) 1976
Notes: In 1976, Stephen Robertson and Karen Spärck-Jones proposed a probabilistic model for information retrieval called Binary Independence Retrieval (BIR) Model, which proposes to base the ranking of documents on the division of the probability of relevance and non-relevance.

56. Which of the following is an example of Canon of Terminology as depicted in Colon Classification?

Answer: (D) Canon of Currency
Notes: Ranganathan formulated the following 4 Canons for Terminology: (i) Canon of Currency (ii) Canon of Reticence (iii) Canon of Enumeration (iv) Canon of Context

57. Which one of the following is not a principle for mapping the Universe of Knowledge as suggested by D.W. Langridge?

Answer: (D) Principle of Cognition
Notes: D.W. Langridge (1925-2001), a well-known English librarian, identifies four principles for mapping of the universe of knowledge. These principles are: (i) Ideological Principle (ii) Principle of Social Purpose (iii) Principle of Scientific Order, and (iv) Principle of Arrangement by Disciplines.e. Asterisk, Double Inverted Comma, and Backward Arrow.

58. Contribution of W.C.B. Sayers in Library Classification is introduction of __.

Answer: (C) 29 canons
Notes: Sayers simplified his theory of classification by stating 29 principles. He called them canons, meaning rules, regulations, standard tests or criteria of classification.

59. Which of the following is a secondary basic subject?

Answer: (A) X 26 (Standard of living)

60. Role of Speciators in Colon Classification is to form __.

Answer: (D) A compound basic subject
Notes: When speciator or qualifier is attached to the primary basic subject, it gives rise to compound primary basic subjects or compound basic subjects. The seventh edition of CC provides the following speciator indicators: (i) To indicate speciator of kind 1 Hyphen – is used and (ii) To indicate speciator of kind 2 equal sign = is used.

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