DSSSB Librarian Exam (Post Code 10/17) held on 01 September 2019 Solved Questions with Explanations (41-50)

DSSSB Librarian Exam (Post Code 10/17) held on 01 September 2019 Solved Questions with Explanations (41-50)

41. Who defined the Information Science as "Information Science is the discipline that deals with the processes of storing and transferring of information"?

Answer: (B) Encyclopedia Britannica

42. Who developed the term Information Society?

Answer: (B) J. Martin
Notes: William J. Martin defined information society as “a society in which the quality of life as well as prospects for social change and economic development depends increasingly on information and its exploitation”. His book ‘The Information Society’ published in 1988 by ASLIB. Another version came out in 1995 under the title ‘The Global Information Society’.

43. What is formal communication?

Answer: (C) Printed mode of transfer

44. Which agency drafted and implemented national policy on library and Information Science in our country?

Answer: (D) Raja Rammohan Roy Library Foundation (RRRLF)
Notes: A Committee was set up under the chairmanship of Prof. D. P. Chatttopadhyay, the then Chairman of RRRLF in 1985 to formulate a National Policy on Library & Information System (NAPLIS) which submitted its report in May 1986.

45. S. R. Ranganathan enunciated five laws of library science in the year __.

Answer: (C) 1928
Notes: Five Laws of Library Science was first conceived by S. R. Ranganathan in 1928 at Meenakshi College, Annamalai Nagar. However, it was first published in 1931 by Madras Library Association.

46. What is the main factor considered in fourth law of library science?

Answer: (C) Time

47. 'Save the time of user' consider user in __.

Answer: (C) Both (A) and (B)

48. Fourth law of library science follows the principle of __.

Answer: (B) Customer satisfaction

49. Quality of library and information services focus on __.

Answer: (D) All the above

50. LibQUAL+, the adopted version of SERVQUAL model for measuring service quality in libraries was developed by __.

Answer: (A) Association of Research Libraries (ARL)
Notes: LibQUAL+ is a web-based survey tool offered by the Association of Research Libraries (ARL) that helps libraries assess and improve library services, change organizational culture, and market the library.

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