DSSSB Librarian Exam (Post Code 10/17) held on 01 September 2019 Solved Questions with Explanations (61-70)
61. In India, Librarian's day is celebrated on __.
Answer: (B) Aug. 12
Notes: 12th August is celebrated as National Librarian’s Day on the occasion of birth anniversary of the father of Library Science in India Dr. S. R. Ranganathan (1892-1972).
62. Which organisation set up Library Advisory Committee with S. R. Ranganathan as its Chairman in 1957?
Answer: (B) UGC
Notes: The UGC Library Committee is popularly known as Ranganathan Committee. It was set up in 1957 by UGC with Dr. S. R. Ranganathan as its Chairman. Other members of the committee were Prof. S. Bashiruddin, K. S. Hingwe, B. S. Kesavan, and S. Parthasarthy.
63. What is correct about Mobile Library?
Answer: (D) All the above
64. Who is responsible for starting DRTC at Bangalore?
Answer: (A) Ranganathan
Notes: The documentation research and training centre (DRTC) was established in 1962 by prof. S.R. Ranganathan.
65. Another Term associated with PERT is __.
Answer: (A) CPM
Notes: PERT/CPM (Programme Evaluation and Review Technique/ Critical Path Method) are two scheduling methods or Project management techniques used to exhibit the flow and sequence of activities and events.
66. What course is offered by DRTC?
Answer: (D) Associateship
Notes: DRTC runs a two year program leading to ‘Associateship in Documentation and Information Science’ (now, M.S. in Library and Information Science).
67. Where India Office Library is located?
Answer: (A) Great Britain
68. The card catalogues which were arranged in a specially designed catalogue cabinet are now being replaced by __.
Answer: (A) OPAC
69. One of the acquisition principles states that 'the resources acquired need to reach large number of users at __ cost'.
Answer: (C) Lesser
70. The main functions of Technical Section/Processing include __.
Answer: (C) Both (A) and (B)