DSSSB Librarian Exam (Post Code 10/17) held on 01 September 2019 Solved Questions with Explanations (71-80)
71. Books misplaced on the shelves by readers are restored. This work is referred to as __.
Answer: (C) Shelf rectification
72. A rubber stamp impressed on the verso of title page giving information concerning the records and processing of each individual book acquired is called:
Answer: (C) Accession stamp
73. The CIP entry found on __.
Answer: (A) Verso of title page
74.What is the full form of IFLA?
Answer: (A) International Federation of Library Associations
75. Reference sources are those __.
Answer: (B) Which are used to find specific information
76. The following source provides public sector or Govt. information free of cost:
Answer: (A) xxx.gov
Notes: In India, the use of GOV.IN Domain is restricted to the constituents of Indian Government at various levels, right from Central, State/ Union Territory, District and Sub-District to block, village etc. National Informatics Centre is providing web hosting services to the various Indian Government Ministries/Departments/ Organisations/ Institutions as well as State Government Departments and District Administrations. NIC is also working as exclusive Registrar for Gov.in domains names.
77. National Science Library, National Science Digital Library, National Union Catalogue are managed by __.
Answer: (B) NISCAIR
78. Which organisation is responsible for assigning ISSN in India?
Answer: (A) NISCAIR
79. LISA stands for __.
Answer: (C) Library and Information Science Abstracts
80. Who proposed Management Theory of Human Relations?
Answer: (C) Elton Mayo