UGC-NET LIS MCQs Practice Set: National Eligibility Test (NET) of UGC or State Eligibility Test (SET) has become compulsory to get employment in Universities and Colleges in India. In order to help aspiring professionals to appear for UGC-NET exam, I have started uploading a series of PRACTICE SET of Library and Information Science Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs) based on the new UGC /NTA–NET Syllabus from June 2019 onward.
UGC-NET exams are getting tougher with the time and require to study thoroughly and practice new and tough set of objective questions. It is hoped that the PRACTICE SET will serve a useful purpose and help a large number of LIS professionals to qualify NET/SLET and other competitive examinations in order to get better job opportunities and become a qualified library professionals.
1. KSA represents ___.
Answer: (B) Knowledge, Skill, Ability
Notes: KSA represents Knowledge, Skills and Abilities. KSAs describe the qualifications and personal attributes (knowledge, skills, and abilities) you need to successfully perform the job requirements of a certain job.
2. Basis of Job evaluation is __.
Answer: (C) Job Analysis
Notes: Job evaluation is based on the results of Job analysis. Job analysis results in two sets of data – Job description and job specification.
3. Job ___ is the process of describing jobs and arranging their interrelationships.
Answer: (A) Design
Notes: Job design is the process of describing jobs and arranging their interrelationships.
4. The written statement of the findings of job analysis is called:
Answer: (D) Job Description
5. The purpose of job evaluation is to determine __.
Answer: (B) Worth of a job in relation to other jobs
Notes: Job evaluation is the process of analyzing and assessing the various jobs systematically to ascertain their relative worth in an organization. Job Evaluation is done to evaluate various jobs while Performance evaluation is done to evaluate Job holders.
6. Which of the following is NOT a component of job design?
Answer: (A) Job outsourcing
Notes: The following are the popular approaches/components to job designs: (i) Job rotation (ii) Job engineering (iii) Job enlargement (iv) Job enrichment
7. Designing a job according to the worker’s physical strength and ability is known as:
Answer: (B) Ergonomics
Notes: Ergonomics is concerned with designing and shaping jobs to fit the physical abilities and characteristics of individuals so that they can perform their jobs effectively.
8. Personal qualities and traits required for job is stated in __.
Answer: (B) Job Specifications
9. Job description does not contain details about __.
Answer: (D) Educational qualification
Notes: Educational qualification is a part of job specifications.
10. A written summary of KSA required to perform a job is __.
Answer: (C) Job Specification
Notes: KSAs describe the qualifications and personal attributes (knowledge, skills, and abilities) you need to successfully perform the job requirements of a certain job. These details are form part of Job Specifications.