Punjab SSSB School Librarian Exam 18th July 2021 Solved Questions with Explanations (1-10)


Punjab SSSB School Librarian Exam 18th July 2021 Solved Questions with Explanations (1-10)

1. In which year Karnataka Public Library Act was enacted?

Answer: (C) 1965

2. S. R. Ranganathan was working as librarian in __.

Answer: (C) The University of Madras Library

3. The latest version of SOUL released in February 2021 is ___.

Answer: (C) SOUL 3.0

4. The notational system of Colon Classification (CC) is a __.

Answer: (B) Mixed Notation

5. Which of the following Shelving Systems is used to stock a large collection of rarely used documents?

Answer: (C) Compact shelving

6. Which of the following describes the term lexicography?

Answer: (B) Compilation of Dictionaries

7. Resource sharing is a part of __.

Answer: (A) Library cooperation

8. Which is a primary source of information in library science?

Answer: (D) Patent

9. The headquarter of ALA is located in __.

Answer: (A) Chicago

10. "INFED Service" provided by INFLIBNET is related to ___.

Answer: (A) Off campus access to e-resources
Notes:INFLIBNET Access Management Federation (INFED) has adopted Shibboleth, an open source single sign-on software for authenticating authorized users from institutions and provide them seamless access to e-resources from anywhere, anytime.

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