Karnataka SET (KSET) 2021 Solved Library & Information Science Questions with Explanations (21-30)


Karnataka SET (KSET) 2021 Solved Library & Information Science Questions with Explanations (21-30)

21. Digital Object Identifier (DOI) is an __.

Answer: (B) Internet based global naming and resolution system
Notes: The Digital Object Identifier (DOI) is an Internet- based global naming and resolution system that provides for the precise identification, retrieval, and trading of digital items in the form of articles, books, images, videos, charts, tables, audio, and other electronic files.

22. The encoded data is stored in a QR Code is known as __.

Answer: (D) Data zone

23. Which of the following is NOT an intrusion detection system for windows?

Answer: (D) Stealthwatch
Notes: An intrusion detection system (IDS) is a device or software application that monitors a network for malicious activity or policy violations. Examples of some of the best IDS are: Zeek, Snort, Suricata, and Sagan.

24. Which of the following is NOT true for Linux operating system?

Answer: (C) Not secure

25. 'Informatics' was first proposed by __.

Answer: [The composition of the question is Wrong]
Notes: The term ‘informatics’ was first advanced formally by the Director of VINITI, A. I. Mikhailov, and his colleagues A. I. Chernyi and R. S. Gilyarevskii. However, the term ‘Informetrics’ was coined by Otto Nache of Western Germany in 1979.

26. Which of the following is a method for enabling authentication based on the URL?

Answer: (D) Referring URL
Notes: Referring URL is a method for enabling authentication based on the URL of the source which provided the link. Referring URL authentication works by using the address of a secure page (URL) as authentication.

27. Which of the following are the features of H-Index?
(a) Mathematically simple index
(b) Sensitive to performance change
(c) Applied to any level of aggregation
(d) Analysis of past documents

Answer: (C) (a) and (c) are correct

28. Systematic sampling is __.
(a) A type of probability sampling
(b) A type of non-probability sampling
(c) In which first unit is selected randomly
(d) Selected on the basis of specified characteristics

Answer: (B) (a) and (c) are correct
Notes: Systematic sampling is a probability sampling method where the elements are chosen from a target population by selecting a random starting point and selecting other members after a fixed ‘sampling interval’.

29. Which of the following are the criteria for web evaluation?
(a) Revision
(b) Response time
(c) Format
(d) Archiving facility

Answer: (A) (b) and (d) are correct

30. User friendly interface caters to __.
(a) Human-computer interaction
(b) Individual users with customization
(c) Simplify execution of operation
(d) Basis for computer-computer interface

Answer: (B) (a) and (c) are correct

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